We take responsibility and act sustainably
We are aware that our actions have an impact on people, animals and the environment.
That is why sustainability is more than just a trend for us - it is a central part of our corporate values.
Our commitment to environmental and climate protection is mirrored in our daily actions. We focus on environmentally conscious practices and are constantly looking for ways to reduce our ecological footprint.
We also actively support social projects and are committed to a fair and sustainable society. We firmly believe that companies have a responsibility to our community and are therefore committed to the well-being of our employees and society as a whole.
Our sustainability management is based on the three principles of sustainability.
These three principles form the base of our strategy and determine our actions in all areas of the company.
We understand that ODM is not only responsible for its own profits, but also for the well-being of society as a whole. A strong economic performance is therefore not only a goal for us, but also an obligation.
We strive to create long-term value for our stakeholders. Through sound financial planning and transparent business practices, we create trust and stability in our company and in the economy as a whole.
We also recognise that successful economic performance must not come at the expense of others.
We have a responsibility to our employees, customers, suppliers and the communities in which we operate. We want to create a safe, inclusive and respectful working environment in which diversity is valued and encouraged. We invest in the well-being of our employees and promote their personal and professional development through fair working conditions, fair pay and continuous training.
We are also actively involved in the community and support social projects and initiatives. We believe in the importance of corporate citizenship and strive to make a positive contribution, be it through donations or partnerships with charitable organisations.
Our social responsibility also extends to our supply chain and our customer relationships. We strive for fair and transparent business practices and are committed to upholding human rights and labour standards along our entire value chain.
We are aware of the impact of our actions on the environment and strive to use natural resources responsibly and minimise our ecological footprint. This includes reducing emissions, using energy and resources efficiently, minimising waste and promoting the circular economy.
We strive for continuous improvement and innovation by investing in environmentally friendly technologies and processes. We set ourselves targets to reduce our environmental impact and regularly monitor our progress.
We are also actively involved in our own projects that help to preserve the ecosystem and combat climate change.
We are committed to responsible and sustainable action for a better future for generations to come.
We follow ethical standards and are committed to fair working conditions, fair pay and a responsible supply chain.
We see social responsibility not only as an obligation, but also as an opportunity to make a positive contribution by promoting social justice, inclusion and sustainability.
Our Social Engagement
Every year, we support several social projects in the region through donations or participation in events with a charitable purpose. In 2023 and 2024, these included the following campaigns:
Donation to the Betze Engel in favour of various social projects
Donation to Vor-Tour der Hoffnung e.V.
Donation to the Sterntaler children's hospice in Speyer
Participation in the "Lautrer Lebenslauf", whose registration fees benefit the "Mum/Dad has cancer" project
Donation to Life assistance Bad Dürkheim
Various donations in kind to regional associations
Donation to the Sterntaler children's hospice
Donation to Life assistance Bad Dürkheim
Donations handed over to Betze Engel
Donation to Vor-Tour der Hoffnung e.V.
Participation in the "Lautrer Lebenslauf" (neon green running shirts)
Sustainability Report
The reports document ODM's sustainability efforts. They contain important facts and key figures from the reporting periods:
1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 ODM Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2022
1 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 in progress...
Die Nachhaltigkeitsberichte wurden weitestgehend nach dem CSR-Standard erstellt. Zudem dienen die Sustainable Development Goals der Vereinten Nationen und die 10 Prinzipien der UN Global Compact als Richtlinie zur Erreichung unserer Ziele.
Life cycle - the life cycle of our products
We want to offer all our customers climate-friendly and recyclable products.
An important condition for this is a sustainable supply chain. This includes not only the procurement of raw materials, but also the processing in our company, the transportation of the products and its use by our customers.
We place great value in the long lifespan and reparability of our products. We also ensure that the use of our products does not have a negative impact on the environment.
An intensive exchange with our manufacturers and suppliers of recycled or recyclable raw materials helps us to continuously optimize our products and their properties.
We also constantly optimize our own production processes wherever possible.
PLA from corn starch
PLA granulate
Our Certifications And Awards
Management Systems
Quality Management to ISO 9001
Information Management to ISO 27001
Occupational Safety Management to ISO 45001
Certificates and Quality Seals
Silver Medal in the EcoVadis Rating 2024
Red Dot Design Award 23/24